Gerburg Fuchs
I developed play as a method over decades of work with “behaviorally sensitive” preschool children at the “Aktive Kinderwerkstatt” (1995 – 2007) – an integrative educational institution in Nuremberg. Here I combined pedagogy, therapy and art into an interlocking unit. This unity was the basis for the daily creative process with the children and characterized the work of the model project in a special way. It was recognized by the state in 2001.
In order to learn to understand the body language of the children, the clown play in the ClownCompagnia RheinUndRuhr (1987 – 1990) and the three-year training as a movement teacher at the Dore Jacobs School (1984 – 1987) in Essen were helpful. The experiences I gained first-hand have taught me what it means to train my “body” as an instrument.
For me, movement improvisation is a special “strategy” for accessing forgotten sources of life, getting them to bubble up and working with children and adults.
It opens up ways to come into contact in as many different ways as possible.