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© Susanne Schlug

Hilde Kappes

Born in 1964 on the Mosel, she studied rhythm at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. She is considered an exceptional artist in the field of voice and music performance.

Her vocal acrobatics and unusual musicality on a wide range of instruments first attracted attention in a major article in the weekly newspaper “Die Zeit” in 1996. Andre Heller’s variety show in Berlin’s renowned theater “Wintergarten” was given a distinctive touch by her presentations as a femme fatale, as a drainpipe artist and with her specially invented Schortuan phonetic language.

This was followed by stage appearances in Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria in theaters, cultural centers, at cabaret festivals, jazz festivals, voice and world music festivals, literary conferences, environmental congresses and interdisciplinary projects (with visual arts, dance and film).

Hilde Kappes composed, improvised or directed theater music, film music and radio plays for Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandradio.

Four CD productions and two DVDs were produced during this period.

Since 2001 she has received several awards, including the most highly endowed cabaret prize in Germany, the “Prix Pantheon” in Bonn, the “Düsseldorfer Handelsblatt Prize” and the “Rhoner Sur Prizes” in Bolzano / Italy.

For almost ten years she has been working – in addition to her concert tours at home and abroad – at the University of the Arts in Berlin and at universities at home and abroad in the following subjects:
Voice and movement, presence and performance // rhythm and “the neutral mask” according to J.Lecoq,
Rhythmics and Somatic Experiencing according to Peter Levine, in connection with creative blocks and stage fright) see also:

Projects in Austria, Switzerland and Sweden as well as the latest project “opera instincta” combine Hilde Kappes’ teaching and performance experience with her developed method of essential voice experiencing. more information at:

Film examples on:  Vimeo or: