Maria Colusi
born in Argentina, lives in Berlin as a dancer, teacher, choreographer and mentor.
Maria is a graduate of the Taller de Danza Contemporanea del Teatro Gral/San Martin and studied dance and choreography in France and at the American Dance Festival/USA.
She was a member of the Sasha Waltz and Guest Company and the Ballet Contemporaneo Teatro Gral. San Martin and Tangokinesis.
Maria has developed her own choreographic works which have been performed in various venues including Radial System, Berliner Ensemble, Dorky Park, DOCK11, Schloss Solitude, Kunst Festival des Arts, Belgium, Centro Artistico it Grattaclelo, Italy.
She teaches dance and improvisation at Tanzfabrik, Marameo, Laborgras, Tanzhalle, Staatsballett, Sasha Waltz Company /Berlin, CDSH Hamburg, Associazione Europea DANZA /Italy, UNA University /Argentina, Maslool Dance School /Israel, Tanzschule MK, South Korea, Institut del Teatre /Barcelona etc.