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© Ute Schendel

Marianne Schuppe

Singer, improviser, composer (Basel),

initially studied fine arts and music in parallel and continued her vocal studies at the Kalakshetra Academy in South India, with Jolanda Rodio in Switzerland and Michiko Hirayama in Rome.

As a singer and performer since the mid-1980s, she has worked solo and in ensembles with a selected repertoire, in contexts of freely improvised music and in interdisciplinary projects. She has collaborated with Klangforum Wien, the Basel Sinfonietta, Trio selbdritt, Alfred Zimmerlin, Antoine Beuger, Jürg Frey, Dorothea Schürch, Andrea Wolfensberger and many others.

From 1994-2010 she was active in Switzerland, Germany and Japan in the development and teaching of voice training and vocal improvisation in the training of the breath-tonus-tone method.

Since 2010, in addition to her teaching activities at various institutions, she has focussed on her own musical work as a singer and composer on the transitions between music and language.

CD releases with New Albion, col legno, edition wandelweiser and others.