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© Georgia Huels

Michael Dick

has been practising Amerta Movement in continuous training with Suprapto Suryodarmo since 1985 and is a “Pribadi Art Teacher and Dialoguer” authorised by Prapto. In 2011 he founded the School of Movement to spread and deepen this free movement work, which he now runs together with Bettina Mainz:

Michael has more than 35 years of experience as an actor, director and performance artist. He is currently associated as a performance artist with the “PAErsche Aktionslabor NRW” and works as a lecturer for acting, elementary performance theory and improvisation at the Schauspielschule der Keller in Cologne.

Michael’s work is steeped in spiritual research. He practices and leads Sumarah meditations, see:

He is a long-time student of the Ridhwan School Europe and a guest student of their Diamond Approach teacher training, the Advanced Seminary Training Programme (ASTP).