Zoë Tomruk
Theater scientist and theater practitioner, Berlin
- born in Sivas, grew up in Istanbul and Kansas City, other stages in life: Mödling, London and Vienna
- PhD in theater studies with a focus on social theater and improvisation
- Teaching and research on the topics of theater in the social sphere, cultural education, improvisation, aesthetics and movement in educational contexts
- Teaching positions at various universities at home and abroad such as the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences, University of Bayreuth, London South Bank University, Berlin University of the Arts, Free University of Berlin, Beykent University Istanbul, Bilgi University Istanbul
- Artistic training in a body-oriented improvisation and performance method, conception and practical implementation of cultural and educational projects
- Founding member ITZ, Intercultural Theater Center Berlin e.V.
Ensemble member Legislative Theater Berlin - Management of senior theater groups the sultanas and forget-me-nots
- in training for psychotherapy with a creative focus: body and dance therapy