Hearing the melody of movement, its silence and its noise – Amerta opens space for subtlety in movement
After an introduction to Amerta Movement last year, we are happy to offer a sequel.
Movement as an essential principle of vitality also interweaves our bodies as sound. Movement carries us far beyond ourselves as resonance and thus opens the field for communication and interaction.
In this seminar, we focus on the distinction between constellation, composition and context, as three basic ways of perceiving us in and referring with our environment. How can we explore this across the senses, hearing and feeling, vision and taste? Substance of contemplation in motion may then become, for example, the inner communion of touching and sounding, of sensation and melody.
The workshop is open to everyone, also for beginners!
Amerta Movement was initiated by the Indonesian movement artist Suprapto Suryodarmo and developed further in a more than 30-year dialogue between Western and Eastern culture. Rooted in Javanese philosophy and meditation, Amerta Movement is a practice that cultivates a high sensitivity, openness and presence. Improvisation happens in a context in which we develop receptivity and awareness of the constellation and composition of the moment.
Aufgrund der am 27.11. erlassenen 2GPlus-Regelung für Berlin ist eine Teilnahme nur für Geimpfte und Genesene möglich. Nähere Informationen über die Workshopleitung.
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