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young explo: for teenagers

Staging experiences – biographical theater

© exploratorium berlin

Facilitator: Teija Vaittinen

Location: exploratorium berlin, Saal

For young people aged 13–17

(The workshop is held in German language, but a translation to English is possible.)

In this theatre workshop for young people aged 13-17, your own life experiences become artistic material.
Guided by theatre educator and performer Teija Vaittinen, the participants get to know the method of biographical theatre. With scenic work, writing exercises and improvisation, small and major life events will be revisited and presented. We will explore the world of memories with a humorous approach, mixing reality and fiction and finding a playful approach both to our own and other people’s experiences.

Der Workshop entfällt leider. In den Sommerferien bieten wir wieder einen Theaterferienkurs für Jugendliche an.

Discounted tickets with Berlin Pass
We would like to make it possible for all children to participate and therefore offer three tickets per course for holders of a Berlin Pass sponsored by the Lilli-Friedemann-Foundation for a nominal fee of 5 €. In this case, please write a short mail with the subject “Title of course + Berlin-Pass” to:, register via the form and wait for our message before transferring the fee.

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exploratorium berlin

Zossener Straße 24
10961 Berlin (Kreuzberg)

Marheinekeplatz (Bus 248, 20m)
U Gneisenaustraße (Bus 140, U7, 200m)
U Mehringdamm (Bus M19, U6, U7, 900m)
U Hallesches Tor (Bus M41, Bus 248, U1, U3, U6, 1000m)

Office Hours

Mo – Di 10.00 – 14.00
Mi 14.00 – 18.00
Do – Fr 10.00 – 14.00