We are inspired by dolphins and jellyfish. Dolphins have brains that are on a par with those of us humans. They are playful, make loud sounds and symbolize life force. Jellyfish, on the other hand, have a nervous system and sensory organs, but no brain. Thanks to their great adaptability, they can still float through many dangers in the ocean and represent a long, ageless life.
We practice the skills of dolphins and jellyfish, which are enriching for both children and adults and in social interaction, in playful improvisations, sharpen our sense organs and pay attention to our intuition.
We learn a method that activates our brain and heart, promotes motor skills, cognition and expression and is also a lot of fun.
This event is aimed at children and adults together – these can be grandparents, parents or other accompanying adult.
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Discounted tickets with Berechtigungsnachweis (formerly Berlinpass)
We would like to make it possible for all children to participate and therefore offer Berechtigungnachweis holders (formerly Berlinpass) three tickets funded by the Lilli-Friedemann-Foundation per course for a nominal fee of €5. In this case, please write a short email with the subject “Title of the course + Sozialticket” to: anmeldungen@exploratorium-berlin.de, register using the form and wait for our message to make the transfer.