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Mathe x Kunst

Projektteam Mathe x Kunst

The Mathe x Kunst project was founded in 2015 by André Brötz (Master of Mechanical Engineering) and Ursula Seeger (Dipl. Communication Design, Art Education, long-time mathematics tutor).
brought to life. Since then, with a small interdisciplinary project team, they have been developing workshop formats for children and young people in which mathematics, natural sciences and art are combined.

The focus is on offering the young participants experiences in which they can discover their interests, develop their skills and experience themselves as part of a creative group process. In this holistic creative process, experiential knowledge can emerge, one’s own discoveries can be made and different areas of knowledge and experience can be networked with one another.

As a project of the learning workshop – learn and let learn e.V., we share their principles of collaborative, creative and self-determined learning.
Since 2020, the Mathe x Kunst project has been cooperating with the exploratorium berlin and with musicians from its environment.