This holiday course is all about dancing and the joy of movement in combination with music.
We will create a creative atmosphere in which we can give free rein to our spontaneous movement impulses, follow them and enjoy them. In interaction with our movements, we invent our own music and explore how a joint flow of sound and movement can be created. To this end, we will try out various improvisation exercises and forms of play that allow us to immerse ourselves in sports, animal, natural and emotional worlds. From this, we develop our own pieces of music and choreographies, which we present at the end in a joint performance.
Discounted tickets with Berechtigungsnachweis (formerly Berlinpass)
We would like to make it possible for all children to participate and therefore offer holders of a “Berechtigungsnachweis” (formerly Berlinpass) three tickets funded by the Lilli-Friedemann-Foundation per course for a nominal fee of €5. In this case, please write a short email with the subject “Title of the course + Sozialticket” to:, register using the form and wait for our message to make the transfer.