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Denkraum: Symposien

Symposium: Filming Improvisation – Improvising with Film

© Michael Vorfeld

Ort: exploratorium berlin, Saal

10th symposium at exploratorium berlin

The 10th symposium at exploratorium berlin is focusing on the relation of film and improvisation. The symposium is held in English language.

How is improvisation documented on film? What artistic forms of interaction can arise between improvisation and the medium of film? Which improvisational moments can produce their own aesthetic characteristics in film?

More details and a call for contribution will be published soon. Proposals for participation can be sent anytime to organizer Mathias Maschat.

The opening event for the symposium is taking place on Friday, January 31st:
Sound & Lecture N° 25: Film – Sound – Improvisation
Experimental Silent movies with Improvisation by Eunice Martins, Sofia Borges, Caroline Cecilia Tallone and Eric Wong plus a talk with Eunice Martins

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exploratorium berlin

Zossener Straße 24
10961 Berlin (Kreuzberg)

Marheinekeplatz (Bus 248, 20m)
U Gneisenaustraße (Bus 140, U7, 200m)
U Mehringdamm (Bus M19, U6, U7, 900m)


Mo – Di 10.00 – 14.00
Mi 14.00 – 18.00
Do – Fr 10.00 – 14.00